
29.07.2022 -

How to Recycle? – Easy Tips for Improving Recycling at Home

One of the easiest ways to take positive climate action during the everyday hassle is by recycling. After all, it simply comes down to sorting items into the right places. In some instances, recycling is still perceived as a time-consuming chore but the truth of the matter is that recycling is key for many pressing problems

A plastic bottle does not magically end up in the ocean on its own and the same can be said about waste in general. Reusability and recyclability are extremely important when it comes to eliminating unnecessary waste globally. 

Recycling at home

a person sorting recyclable items into three different litter containers at home. Food packaging and food waste create massive amounts of waste that on far too many occasions end up in the same bin. Instead of continuous displacement, the focus should be on sorting food packaging from food waste into separate bins. Preferably food waste should be avoided at all costs.

Wasting food creates many problems, the biggest being that food waste generates roughly 10% of all emissions. Food packaging, regardless of material, is an issue if everything gets put into one bin, that’s why sorting is key. 

Plastics and recycling

The majority of food packaging tends to be a plastic material and unfortunately, most of the litter found in nature everywhere is food packaging. For example, out of all the waste produced in the United States that end up in landfills, 63% is packaging, single-use and food, among others.

Ensuring and upkeeping the life cycle of plastics can only happen by recycling and sorting the right way starting from home.

Unwashed food packaging is a problem

One issue that tends lower the quality of recyclable plastics is unwashed food packaging. For example, condiments such as ketchup or mayonnaise,  meat and poultry packaging should be cleaned and emptied before sorting. A quick rinse with cold water does the trick thus ensuring the quality of the recyclable plastics. 

Sort it and bin it or keep it?

The words reuse, reduce, recycle stacked on top of each other.At home, it is necessary to have the right tools for recycling. In this case, we are of course talking about bins. Having a container for plastics, glass, cardboard, paper, metal/aluminium and compostable items is the perfect way to start recycling. It is also important to check out local recycling stations for batteries and electronics. 

When it comes to reusable items such as certain packaging, clothing or electronics, one should always consider a circular economy approach instead of throwing stuff away. Ask yourself, is it reusable? Can you repair or refurbish and of course, is it recyclable?

Helpful simple tips

To summarize, remember to sort items to the right containers and find out what items are accepted at your building, neighbourhood or local recycling station. Getting different containers for recyclable items helps a lot at home.

Focus on reducing, reusing, repairing and refurbishing before recycling items. Also, one can make a difference by supporting businesses that manufacture products from recycled items.






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