20.02.2020 - WoodlyUses of forest
The biomaterials renaissance is coming – are you ready?
26.12.2019 - Le SoirUses of forest
La forêt finlandaise renaît grâce aux nouvelles technologies
19.12.2019 - BiorrefineriaUses of forest
Woodly – The cellulose-based plastic revolution
16.12.2019 - Forbers JapanMedia hits
Woodly’s CTO Martta Asikainen interviewed in Japan Forbes
02.12.2019 - Bioplastic NEWSMedia hits
Woodly ranked 12th by the Bioplastic news
28.11.2019 - Green SolutionsMedia hits
Plastic gets fantastic!
25.11.2019 - Packaging EuropeMedia hits
Wipak and Woodly talk sustainability at FachPack 2019
21.11.2019 - Bioplastic NEWSMedia hits
Bioplastic news: Finland has a new Bioplastic champion in the making
20.11.2019 - Thomson ReutersMedia hits
Woodly on Reuters: The eco-friendly plastic that grows on trees