
27.08.2021 -

Carbon-Neutral Packaging Is Possible

Packaging with its many structures can be environmentally friendly and achieving carbon-neutral packaging is more possible than you might think. 

The grip of casual consumerism is loosening up as we embark further into the new decade. People are becoming aware of what they are supporting with their purchases and especially what they want to support. A rising number of consumers are going green and this is all because people want to encourage carbon-neutral products and making permanent lifestyle changes along the way. 

The packaging of a product can be a determining factor for a consumer pondering whether a purchase is in order or not. Is it carbon-neutral, Is it recyclable? Is it wood-based, for example? These are all valid questions in the current market and when it comes to Woodly, the answer is a clear yes to all of them. 

Carbon-neutral as a term may also cause confusion among consumers. Many do support carbon-neutral products but in most cases, the actual meaning gets lost in the mix. This, of course, is understandable since the word itself sort of does us a favour by being somewhat self-explanatory but not quite. 

What does carbon-neutral mean?

There’s the easy and there’s the more advanced explanation. Let’s start lightly with some basic facts regarding the subject. When there’s a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere into carbon sinks, then carbon neutrality has been achieved. Meaning the carbon dioxide output has a zero net impact on the climate. 

Let’s hand over the reins to Woodly’s Chief Commercial Operator Tomi Nyman, who shares more insight on the subject. 

Carbon neutrality is the emissions caused by the production of a bio-based product being equal to the emissions absorbed during a previous phase of production, which could be, for example, the growth of trees. If a product is carbon-neutral, it means that any carbon released into the atmosphere while the product is being manufactured or transported, is equivalent to the amount of carbon being absorbed,” explains Nyman. 

Tricky? Maybe, but the clear message is that we at Woodly have successfully proven that carbon-neutral packaging is possible. 

Replacing traditional plastics?

In packaging, the industry is mainly used to seeing the three P’s which are polyethene, polypropylene, and PET. These are all materials that can be categorized as traditional fossil plastics. Packaging can be done in a carbon-neutral way, and this is where we come in. 

Our wood-based plastic can replace the aforementioned traditional plastics. It is simple to bring into use within the industry because no technological changes are required. Current equipment will suffice and the idea of replacing traditional plastics is more than just a thought. Because with Woodly, it can become a reality. 

Packaging solutions are becoming a more prominent subject by the minute due to the current climate of our planet. It is a simple fact that we can’t get rid of plastics, but we can redesign them and offer carbon-neutral packaging answers in hopes of a greener future.

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