
16.08.2023 -

Sustainability in the Bag: Woodly Wins Over Finnish Campus Restaurant

The heat-sealed bag made from Woodly® material has made its way to many Finnish service stations, convenience stores, trains and even hotels. Recent additions to the list are several college campus restaurants in Finland.

picture of the Restaurant Ylistö logoOne such is Restaurant Ylistö, located in Jyväskylä, a known university city in Finland with a significant number of students from all parts of the world.

“We aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our customers, and it’s important to us that our partners share the same values. Together with our suppliers, we can reduce the environmental impact of our operations”, said Jarmo Sallinen, CEO of Semma, a company that owns and operates many campus restaurants in Finland.

Choosing Woodly’s heat-sealed bag was a no-brainer for Sallinen, due to the quality and reliability.

“The high-quality products, which are also environmentally friendly and made from their carbon neutral Woodly® material, influenced the supplier choice, in addition to the availability and reliability of delivery.”

No going back

The heal sealed-bags have been in use for some time now at the restaurant. The new packaging solution made from Woodly® material has found its permanent place at Restaurant Ylistö according to the restaurant manager Mari Kukkola.

“The bags have been amazing. There’s no going back to the way it was”, stated Kukkola.

Product shelf life preservation is an important feature of the bag, but Kukkola also mentions a few other attractive qualities.

“The bag seals better than the previous one that we used and feels softer to the touch. Also, the bread product appears more abundant as the bag doesn’t crush the contents in the same way as the previous bag. In that way we can reduce food waste”, explained Kukkola.

Incorporating heat-sealed bags into diverse establishments, from service stations to college campus restaurants, has proven to be a resounding success. The bag’s effective attributes resonate with businesses seeking sustainable solutions, a sentiment echoed by Sallinen, CEO of Semma. Through this partnership, both quality and sustainability merge, offering customers a superior experience while minimizing environmental impact.


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