
Case: Vihreäkeiju

Vihreäkeiju tuo Woodlyyn pakatut korianterit valittuihin K-ruokakauppoihin

Woodlyyn pakatut korianterit ovat kuluttajien saatavilla valituissa K-ryhmän ruokakaupoissa.

Kyröntarhat Oy, which produce salads and herbs under the Vihreäkeiju brand, are the first food producers to sell coriander, packaged in carbon-neutral wood-based plastic and make it available to consumers in selected K-Markets.

“It is great to be able to work with Vihreäkeiju to make Woodly® packaging available to consumers. Replacing fossil plastics with bio-based plastics is a long-term project and needs to be done on a company-by-company basis. Leaders like Vihreäkeiju play a big role in this work” says Jaakko Kaminen, CEO of Woodly.

“After learning from our packaging supplier that such a great, locally-created innovation is available, we were immediately eager to test the material with our products. It is great to bring packaging into the everyday lives of consumers, which will help save the environment and make the circular economy more efficient. Choosing Woodly® packaging material sends a strong message to consumers about Vihreäkeiju’s pioneering spirit and responsibility.” says Kyröntarhat Oy’s CEO Tomi Levonen.


Read more from our press release


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